My models did not anticipate having their pictures taken; I am probably in trouble when they see this.
As you can see, my F-stop was way too low. I thought it would look dramatic but it just looks bad. Because both eyes are not in focus, one looks bigger than the other. This is 1.8, 2.5 would have probably still blurred the shoulders but left the eyes as pretty as they were on the in real life.
The setup was a single boxed quartz light (because I wanted the low f-stop but a high shutter speed) and a reflector about twice as far as the light.
Both were shot in color, cropped, blemishes removed and softness added. The models are seated on a studio quality LEGO table because I was too lazy to get the stool.
This photos was with just the quartz light but with the soft-box instead. Which, is why you can see the background (the wall).
And of course, I love Cinemascope.